Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Del Valle SY, Tellier R, Settles GS, Tag JW. Can we reduce the spread of influenza in school with face masks? American Journal of Infection Control, 2010; 38:676-7. (pdf)

Magazine Articles

Del Valle SY and Smith JP. Understanding Complex Systems: Population Interactions Resulting in Disease Transmission. 2011 Mathematics Awareness Month Magazine. (pdf)

Ph.D. Thesis

Del Valle SY. Effects of Behavioral Changes and Mixing Patterns in Mathematical Models for Smallpox Epidemics. 2005 Ph.D. Thesis, University of Iowa.

Technical Reports

Inkret LG, Del Valle SY. The Impact of Demographic and Spatial Characteristics on the Spread of 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) in the United States. (2010).

Del Valle SY, Ambrosiano JJ, Cash LJ, Doyle JC, Edwards BK, et al. National Population and Healthcare Sector Impacts of 2009 Influenza A (H1N1). (2010), LAUR 10-00186.

Del Valle S, Ambrosiano JJ, Bent R, Daniel B, Dauelsberg L, Doyle J, Edwards B, et al., National Population and Economic Impacts of 2009 Influenza A (H1N1). (2009), LA-UR 09-06335.

Del Valle SY, Eidenbenz SJ, Ewers, M, Inkret LR, Linger SP, et al. Transportation Sector: Transportation Disruption Study of Tappan Zee Bridge. (2009), LA-CP 09-01754.

Del Valle Sara Y., Mniszewski Susan M., Stroud Phil D., Sydoriak Sid J. School Closure Policy Dilemma. (2007), Los Alamos Unlimited Release 07-8258.

Stroud PD, Mniszewski SM, Del Valle SY, Riese JM, Sydoriak SJ. Earlier and Faster Production of Vaccine for Pandemic Mitigation. (2007), LA-UR 07-0534.

Mniszewski SM, Del Valle SY, Stroud PD, Riese JM, Sydoriak SJ. Effect of Home Transmission Reduction on Pandemic Influenza. (2007), LA-UR 07-1557.

Stroud PD, Del Valle SY, Mniszewski SM, Riese JM, Sydoriak SJ. Pandemic Influenza Impact Analysis Report, Simulation of Disease Spread and Intervention Effectiveness, Sensitivity Analysis. (2007), LA-UR 07-1989.

Del Valle S. Recommendations for Phase II Environmental Sampling Following a BioWatch Actionable Result. (2007), Los Alamos Controlled Publication 07-0903.

Stroud PD, Del Valle SY, Mniszewski SM, Riese JM, Sydoriak SJ. Pandemic Influenza Impact Analysis Report: Simulation of Disease Spread and Intervention Effectiveness. (2006), LA-UR 06-7966.

Del Valle SY. Planning for Pandemic Influenza: Hospital Bed Surge Capacity Analysis for Los Angeles. (2006), Los Alamos Unlimited Release 06-4786.

Del Valle SY, Kubicek DA, Mniszewski SM, Riese JM, Roberts D, Romero PR, Smith JP, Stroud PD, Sydoriak SJ. EpiSimS Los Angeles Case Study. (2006), LA-UR 06-0666.

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