Dr. Ricardo A. Lebensohn







51. Modeling the effect of alloying elements in magnesium on deformation twin characteristics

M. Arul Kumar, I.J Beyerlein, R.A. Lebensohn and C.N. Tome

In: Magnesium Technology 2017, in press.




50. Characterization and modeling of titanium single crystals following dynamic compression by split-hopkinson pressure bar

B.M. Morrow, R.A. Lebensohn, C.P. Trujillo, F.L. Addessio, C.A. Bronkhorst, T. Lookman, G.T. Gray, and E.K. Cerreta

In: Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1143-1148 (2016).




49. Microstructural evolution of polycrystalline materials in simple shear: insights from full-field numerical simulations

A. Griera, E. Gomez-Rivas, M.G. Llorens, P.D. Bons and R. Lebensohn

Geotectonic Research 97, pp. 37-39 (2015).




48. Processing and consolidation of copper for mesoscale materials science of ductile damage in four dimensions

C.F. Chen, D. Dombrowski, R.A. Lebensohn, B. Clausen, R. Forsyth and R. Pokharel

In: Proceedings of the 2014 World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials (PM 2014), pp. 0946-0955 (2014).


47. Experiment-Based Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Coupled Multi-Scale Plasticity Models

G. Stevens, S. Atamturktur, R. Lebensohn and G. Kaschner:

In: Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Springer, pp. 203-213 (2014).




46. Effects of microstructure and shock loading conditions on the damage behavior of polycrystalline copper

J.P Escobedo, E.K. Cerreta, D. Dennis-Koller, B.P. Patterson, R.A. Lebensohn and C.A. Bronkhorst

European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 26, 02008 (2012).


45. Isolation of kinetic and spatial properties of uniaxial dynamic tensile loading of OFHC copper

D. Dennis-Koller, J.P. Escobedo-Diaz, E.K. Cerreta, C.A. Bronkhorst, B. Hansen, R. Lebensohn, H. Mourad, B. Patterson and D. Tonks

European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 26, 01040 (2012).


44. Substructure dynamics in minerals and metals: new insight from in-situ experiments, detailed EBSD analysis of experimental and natural samples and numerical modelling (PDF)

S. Piazolo, V. Borthwick, A. Griera, M. Montagnat, M. Jessell, R. Lebensohn L. Evans

In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth (ReX & GG IV), Materials Science Forum 715-716, pp. 502-507 (2012).


43. Finite element implementation of a self-consistent polycrystal plasticity model: application to alpha-uranium (PDF)

M. Knezevic, R.J. McCabe, R.A. Lebensohn, C.N. Tome, and B. Mihaila

In: Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 2: Materials Properties, Characterization, and Modeling, TMS 2012, pp.789-796 (2012).


42. Quantifying damage accumulation using state-of-the-art FFT method (PDF)

R. Pokharel, S.F. Li, J. Lind, C.M. Hefferan, U. Lienert, R.A. Lebensohn, R.M. Suter, A.D. Rollett

In: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 16), Materials Science Forum 702-703, pp. 515-518 (2012).


41. Comparison of gradients in orientation and stress between experiment and simulation (PDF)

A.D. Rollett, F. Wagner, N. Allain-Bonasso, D. Field and R.A. Lebensohn

In: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 16), Materials Science Forum 702-703, pp. 463-468 (2012).


40. On the role of local grain interactions on twin nucleation and texture evolution in hexagonal materials (PDF)

A.K. Kanjarla, I.J. Beyerlein, R.A. Lebensohn and C. N. Tome

In: Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 16), Materials Science Forum 702-703, pp. 265-268 (2012).


39. Controlled shock loading conditions for microstructural correlation of dynamic damage behavior (PDF)

D. Dennis-Koller, J.P. Escobedo-Diaz, E.K. Cerreta, C.A. Bronkhorst, B. Hansen, R. Lebensohn, H. Mourad, B. Patterson, and D. Tonks

In: Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 2011, AIP Conference Proceedings 1426, 1325-1330 (2012).




38. Subgrain Texture Evolution during Biaxial Deformation in Interstitial Free and Dual Phase Steels (PDF)

H.N. Han, S.B. Lee, A.D. Rollett, D.H. Kim, K.H. Oh and R.A. Lebensohn.

In: Proceedings of Materials Science & Technology 2009 (MS&T'09) pp. 989-998 (2009).




37. Influence of elastic anisotropy on the plastic yielding of polycrystals (PDF)

R. Brenner, R.A. Lebensohn and O. Castelnau

In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM 2008), A. El-Azab ed., Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA, pp. 204-207 (2008).


36. A comparison of deformation textures and mechanical properties predicted by different crystal plasticity codes (PDF)

C.S. Hartley, P. R. Dawson, D. Boyce, S.R. Kalidindi. M. Knezevic, C.N. Tome, R.A. Lebensohn, S.L. Semiatin, T.J. Turner and A.A. Salem

In: Proceedings of 15th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 15), A.D. Rollett, ed., The American Ceramic Society, CD-ROM (2008).




35. Anisotropic viscoplastic constitutive modeling for metals and application to the Taylor impact test (PDF)

B. Plunkett, O. Cazacu, R.A. Lebensohn and F. Barlat

In: Proc. of Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics (IMPLAST 2007), Bochumer Universitatsverlag, pp. 485-492 (2007).


34. Full-field model and experimental validation of subgrain texture and microstructure evolution of polycrystalline copper (PDF)

R.A. Lebensohn R. Brenner and O. Castelnau

In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFORM 2007), American Institute of Physics, pp. 370-374 (2007).


33. A micromechanical study of the effect of grain size and strain rate on the yield strength of nanostructured materials (PDF)

R.A. Lebensohn, E.M. Bringa and A. Caro

In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, P. Gumbsch ed., Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, pp. 204-207 (2006).


32. Strain-rate effects on the texture evolution of low-symmetry metals: modeling and validation using the Taylor cylinder impact test (PDF)

B. Plunkett, O. Cazacu and R.A. Lebensohn

Journal de Physique IV 134, pp. 81-86 (2006).


31. Continuum mesoscale modeling of nanocrystalline fcc metals under shock loading using a spectral formulation fed by Molecular Dynamics results (PDF)

R.A. Lebensohn, E.M. Bringa and A. Caro

Journal de Physique IV 134, pp. 17-22 (2006).




30. Improving the self-consistent predictions of texture development of polycyrystals incorporating intragranular field fluctuations (PDF)

R.A. Lebensohn, C.N. Tome and P. Ponte Castaneda

Materials Science Forum 495-497, pp. 955-964 (2005).




29. Viscoplastic selfconsistent modelling of the anisotropic behavior of voided polycrystals (PDF)

R.A. Lebensohn, C.N. Tome, P.J. Maudlin

In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFORM 2004), S. Ghosh, J.M. Castro and J.K. Lee eds. American Institute of Physics, pp. 1771-1776 (2004).



28. Modeling texture and void evolution in polycrystals (PDF)

R.A. Lebensohn, C.N. Tome and P.J. Maudlin

Materials Science Forum Vol. 408-412, pp. 323-328 (2002).

27. Polycrystal constitutive modeling of ECAP: Texture and microstructural evolution (PDF)

I.J. Beyerlein, R.A. Lebensohn and C.N. Tome

In: Ultrafine Grained Material II, Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, R.S. Mishra, S.L. Semiatin, M.J. Saran, and T.C. Lowe eds., The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, pp. 585-593 (2002).



26. Final textures in cold rolled Zr702a polycrystalline samples

H. Francillette, B. Bacroix, R.A. Lebensohn and J.L. Bechade

Journal de Physique IV 11, Pr.4, pp. 83-90 (2001).



25. Hot extrusion of Zircaloy-4 tubes: induced crystallographic textures and influence of the initial microstructure (PDF)

R.E. Loge, Y.B. Chastel, M.Y. Perrin, J.W. Signorelli and R.A. Lebensohn

In: Mathematical Modeling in Metal Processing and Manufacturing, P. Martin and W.J. Liu, S. MacEwen, Y. Verreman and J. Goldak eds., The Metallurgical Society of CIM, Canada, CD-ROM (2000).


24. Comparison of natural and simulated quartz shear texture

T. Takeshita, H.-R. Wenk and R. Lebensohn

In: Proceedings of 12th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 12), J.A. Szpunar ed., NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 1534-1539 (1999).


23. Texture effects on the evolution of high temperature mechanical properties in Zirconium alloys

In: Proceedings of 12th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 12), J.A. Szpunar ed., NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 451-456 (1999).


22. Critical stress identification in textured materials using selfconsistent polycrystalline inverse model

J.A. Signorelli, A. Fourty, R. Lebensohn and R.E. Bolmaro

In: Proceedings of 12th Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 12), J.A. Szpunar ed., NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 316-321 (1999).



21. Influence of microstructural evolution on the macroscopic behavior of Zr alloys predeformed at high temperature

P.Sanchez, R. Lebensohn and A.A. Pochettino

In: Modelling of Structure and Mechanics of Materials from Microscale to Product, J.V.Carstensen, T. Leffers, T. Lorentzen, O.B. Pedersen, B.F. Sorensen and G. Winther eds., RISOE National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 455-460 (1998).


20. Multiscale modelling of lamellar structures: application to gamma-TiAl-based alloys (PDF)

R. Lebensohn, J. Signorelli and H. Uhlenhut

In: Modelling of Structure and Mechanics of Materials from Microscale to Product, J.V.Carstensen, T. Leffers, T. Lorentzen, O.B. Pedersen, B.F. Sorensen and G. Winther eds., RISOE National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 331-337 (1998).


19. Microstructures, anisotropy and mechanical properties of polycrystals: modelling strategies at different scales (PDF)

R. Lebensohn, D. Gonzalez and J. Signorelli

In: Computational Mechanics - New Trends and Applications, S.R. Idelsohn, E. Onate and E.N. Dvorkin eds., CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, CD-ROM : Part III, Section 1, paper 7 (1998).


18. Modeling anisotropic evolution in sheet metal forming using a viscoplastic polycrystalline self-consistent model coupled with a 3D finite element code

J. Signorelli, R. Loge, R. Lebensohn, Y. Chastel, P. Barberis

In: Proceedings of the 6th. International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFORM 98), J. Huetink and F.P.T. Baaijens eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 309-313 (1998).



17. Development of intergranular residual stresses in Zirconium alloys

M. Ortiz, R. Lebensohn, P. Turner and A. Pochettino

In: Proceedings of the 5th. Int. Conf. on Residual Stresses (ICRS-5), T. Ericsson, M. Oden and A. Anderson eds., Linkoping University, Sweden, pp. 781-786 (1997).


16. Interpretation of intergranular stress measurements in Monel-400 using polycrystal models

C. Tome, T. Holden, P. Turner and R. Lebensohn

In: Proceedings of the 5th. Int. Conf. on Residual Stresses (ICRS-5), T. Ericsson, M. Oden and A. Anderson eds., Linkoping University, Sweden, pp.40-45 (1997).


15. Selfconsistent calculation of intergranular stresses based on a large strain viscoplastic model

R. Lebensohn, P. Turner, J.W. Signorelli and C. Tome

In: Proceedings of the 5th. Int. Conf. on Residual Stresses (ICRS-5), T. Ericsson, M. Oden and A. Anderson eds., Linkoping University, Sweden, pp. 460-465 (1997).




14. Caracterisation des mecanismes de deformation actifs dans les alliages de Zr-alpha et utilization de modeles de passage micro-macro

H. Francillette, B. Bacroix, M. Gasperini et R. Lebensohn

In: Le Zirconium - Journees d'Etudes - Proprietes-Microstructures, G. Cailletaud et P. Lemoine eds., Les Editions de Physique, pp. 57-66 (1996).


13. Modelling texture development of 2-phase materials by selfconsistent approaches

R. Bolmaro and R. Lebensohn

In: Proceedings of the 11th. Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM-11), Z. Liang et al. eds., International Academic Publ., pp. 1209-1214 (1996).


12. Texture induced anisotropy of Zrly-4 during compression: modelling and experimental validation

R. Loge, Y. Chastel, G. Dumas, V. Lamy, D. Gex and R. Lebensohn

In: Proceedings of the 11th. Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM-11), Z. Liang et al. eds., International Academic Publ., pp. 818-823 (1996).


11.Predictions of torsion textures development of Zr-alloys

P. Sanchez, R. Lebensohn and A. Pochettino

In: Proceedings of the 11th. Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM-11), Z. Liang et al. eds., International Academic Publ., pp. 342-346 (1996).

10. Ambiguities in the calculation of lattice rotations for plane-strain deformation

T. Leffers and R. Lebensohn

In: Proceedings of the 11th. Int. Conf. on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM-11), Z. Liang et al. eds., International Academic Publ., pp. 307-314 (1996).

9. Modelling of damage due to particles and grain boundaries (PDF)

G.R Canova, S. Favier, R. Lebensohn and B. Baudelet

Materials Science Forum, Vol. 217-222, pp. 1441-1448 (1996).


8. Micro-macro modelling

G. Canova and R. Lebensohn

In: Computer Simulation in Materials Science, H.O. Kirchner et al. eds., Kluwer Academic Publ., pp. 449-481 (1996).



7. Polycrystalline models for the calculation of residual stresses in Zirconium alloys tubes

J. Signorelli, P. Turner, R. Lebensohn and A. Pochettino

In: Transactions of the 13th. International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, M.M. Rocha and J. de Riera eds., pp.705-711 (1995).


6. The uncertainty in the calculation of the changes in crystallographic orientation which lead to deformation texture

T. Leffers, N.J. Sorensen and R. Lebensohn

In: Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors, S. Tanimura and A.S. Khan eds., Gordon & Breach Publ., pp. 273-276 (1995).


5. Comparison of a self-consistent approach and a pure kinematical model for plastic deformation and texture development (PDF)

R. Lebensohn and R. Bolmaro

Materials Science Forum Vol. 157-162, pp. 1809-1814 (1994).

4. Temperature effects on rolling texture formation in Zirconium alloys (PDF)

Pochettino, P. Sanchez, R. Lebensohn and C. Tome

Materials Science Forum Vol. 157-162, pp. 835-840 (1994).

3. Texture and yield locus evolution in 70/30 Brass under different deformation paths (PDF)

R. Lebensohn, C. Vial Edwards, A. Pochettino and C. Tome

Materials Science Forum Vol. 157-162, pp. 783-788 (1994).


2. Deconvolution of experimental data of aggregates using selfconsistent polycrystal models

C. Tome, N. Christodoulou, R. Holt, C.H. Woo, R. Lebensohn and P. Turner

In: Numerical Predictions of Deformation Processes and Behavior of Real Materials, S.I. Andersen, J.B. Bilde-Sorensen, T. Lorentzen, O.B. Pedersen, N.J. Sorensen eds., RISOE National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 169-204 (1994).


1. Modelling of rolling texture development in zirconium alloys tubes

P. Sanchez, R. Lebensohn, M.I. Gonzalez and A.A. Pochettino

In: Numerical Predictions of Deformation Processes and Behavior of Real Materials, S.I. Andersen, J.B. Bilde-Sorensen, T. Lorentzen, O.B. Pedersen, N.J. Sorensen eds. RISOE National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 531-536 (1994).


