Help for the QuickTime Video Plug-in






Help with videos


To view the ADSM tutorial videos, you need some kind of QuickTime video plug-in for your Web browser. Apple Computer's QuickTime 3 and 4 (and its related Web browser plug-in) for Macintosh can handle QuickTime video files.

How to tell if you have the QuickTime plug-in
Most Macintosh computers have QuickTime already installed. To tell if you are using the QuickTime video plug-in, launch your Web browser and go to this Web page. If you see the QuickTime logo on the Web page, followed by the first frame of the video with a playback control bar on the bottom, then you are using QuickTime.

If it has this logo before showing the video, you are using QuickTime:

Downloading the QuickTime 4.0 Plug-in
Click here to get QuickTime 4.0 from Apple Computer's website.

How to Use the QuickTime 4.0 video plug-in

  1. Volume Control - click and hold button and then adjust sound level
  2. Play Button - push to start the video
  3. Progress Bar - allows user to seek through unwanted portions by moving marker manually
  4. Rewind Button - push and hold to rewind through movie, hit once to back up one frame
  5. Fast Forward Button - push and hold to go forward in movie, hit once to go forward one frame
  6. Preferences Button - click and hold to get to plug-in settings menu

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