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Up: The Green-Naghdi (GN) Model
Previous: Green-Naghdi Equations
The three-dimensional Euler equations for a rotating stratified
incompressible fluid in the Boussinesq approximation follow from an
action principle , with
where is twice the
rotation vector, which we note has a horizontal component when S
has a nonvanishing gradient. Also,
, where is the
Jacobian matrix for the map from Eulerian coordinates to
Lagrangian fluid labels, , on which
the buoyancy stratification depends. These Lagrangian
labels specify the fluid particle currently occupying Eulerian
position . They satisfy the advection law,
, thereby
determining the velocity components in the action principle,
where, as usual, we sum on repeated indices. Variations in
) with respect to lA at fixed and t yield the
Euler equations for a rotating stratified incompressible fluid,
with appropriate kinematic boundary conditions. The constraint D=1
imposed by the Lagrange multiplier p (the pressure) implies
incompressibility. For more details, see Holm [27] and Miles and
Salmon [26].
Following Miles and Salmon [26], we find an action principle
for the Green-Naghdi equations (extended to account for stratification
and rotation) by restricting the action principle
) to variations of the form,
from which (
) implies
This is the columnar motion Ansatz.
For restricted variations of this type, we choose a buoyancy
stratification profile which is linear in ,
so the bottom and top surfaces of the domain of flow are taken to be
level surfaces of the buoyancy, . After performing the
vertical integrations, the action (
) reduces to
From incompressibility we have
so the depth is also the two-dimensional Jacobian for this
class of flows. From advection of the fluid labels, we have
Thus, and the components of are expressed in
terms of derivatives of , with A = 1,2. Advection of
the fluid labels also implies the continuity equation for ,
The extended Green-Naghdi motion equations then result from
stationarity of the action in (
) under variations with
respect to Lagrangian fluid labels at fixed
Eulerian position and time. These motion equations arise in the
following form,
which implies Kelvin's circulation theorem,
where we have used the transport theorem for the contour moving with the fluid velocity in the first line and
substituted equation (
) in the second.
As a consequence of equation (
) and the continuity equation for
, potential vorticity is convected; namely, we have
Equation (
) is the vortex stretching relation for the
extended GN equations: when the fluid depth changes locally, the
``vorticity" quantity changes in proportion. In the GN theory, this quantity -
the scalar curl of the total specific horizontal momentum of the flow - is a
linear homogeneous functional of the three dimensional vertical vorticity
(R. Camassa, private communication).
This means, in particular, that potential flows in three dimensions have q=0
in the GN theory. Advection of the potential vorticity q, combined with the
continuity relation for and tangential boundary conditions on the mean
velocity , yields an infinity of conserved quantities,
for any function . The results in equations (
) through
) apply generally for all vertically averaged fluid action
principles in the Eulerian description and do not depend on the specific form
of the action .
Evaluating the variational derivatives of appearing
in equation (
) for the GN casefor the GN case yields
where F and G are given by (cf. equation (
Consequently equation (
yields the following explicit form of the extended GN
motion equation, cf. equations (
) and (
In this equation, the quantities F and G are defined in (
), nonzero
indicates stratification,
is horizontal component of the
rotation vector and is its vertical component.
When the quantities and S are absent, F and G reduce to A
and B, respectively, in equation (
When the quantities , , S and are all
absent, equation (
) for the extended GN theory reduces to the GN motion
equation given in (
Next: Numerical Model of the
Up: The Green-Naghdi (GN) Model
Previous: Green-Naghdi Equations
Balasubramany (Balu) Nadiga