Dr. Marianne M. Francois
Computational Physics
and Methods Group, CCS-2
Los Alamos
National Laboratory
Box 1663,MS B296
Los Alamos, NM87545, USA
E-mail: mmfran@lanl.gov
Research Interests
- Numerical methods for
incompressible and compressible flows and heat transfer
- Interface tracking methods
- Hydrodynamics instabilities
- Drop/bubble dynamics
- Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida, 2002.
Dissertation: Computations of Drop Dynamics with
Heat Transfer
- M.S. in Aerospace Engineering
with distinction, Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University,
Florida, 1998.
Thesis: A Study of the Volume of Fluid Method for
Moving Boundary Problems
- Diplôme d’Ingénieur, France, 1997.
- Schofield S.P., Garimella R.V, Francois M.M., Loubere
R., A second-order accurate material-order-independent interface
reconstruction technique for multi-material flow simulations, Journal of Computational Physics,
2008, in press.
- Caboussat A., Francois M.M., Glowinski
R., Kothe D.B., Sicilian J.M. A numerical method
for interface reconstruction of triple points within a volume tracking
algorithm, Mathematical and Computer
Modelling, Vol. 48, pp. 1957-1971, 2008.
- Schofield S., Garimella R., Francois M.M., Loubere
R., Multi-material interface reconstruction with particles and power
diagram, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
Vol. 56, pp. 643-659, 2008.
- Francois M.M., Cummins S. J., Dendy E.D., Kothe D.B.,
Sicilian J.M., Williams M.W., A Balanced-Force Algorithm for Continuous
and Sharp Interfacial Surface Tension Models within a Volume Tracking
Framework, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 213, pp. 141-173,
- Cummins S. J., Francois M.M., Kothe D.B., Estimating Curvature from Volume
Fractions, Computers and Structures, Vol. 83, pp. 425-434, 2005.
- Lorstad D., Francois M.M., Shyy
W., Fuchs L., Assessment of Volume of Fluid and Immersed Boundary Methods
for Droplet Computations, International Journal for Numerical Methods
in Fluids, Vol. 46, pp. 109-125, 2004.
- Francois M.M., Uzgoren E., Jackson J., Shyy
W., Multigrid Computations with the Immersed
Boundary Technique for Multiphase Flows, International Journal of
Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flows, Vol. 14, pp. 98-115, 2004.
- Francois M.M., Shyy W., Computations of Drop Dynamics with the
Immersed Boundary Method. Part 1: Numerical Algorithm and Buoyancy Effect,
Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, Vol. 44, pp-101-118, 2003.
- Francois M.M., Shyy W., Computations of Drop Dynamics with the
Immersed Boundary Method. Part 2: Drop Impact and Heat Transfer, Numerical
Heat Transfer Part B, Vol. 44, pp.119-143, 2003.
- Francois M.M., Shyy W., Micro-Scale Drop Dynamics for Heat Transfer
Enhancement, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 38, pp. 275-304,
- Francois M.M., Shyy W., Chung J., Analysis of a Micro-Scale
Multi-Phase Device for Enhanced Thermal Management, Progress in
Computational Fluid Dynamics: an International Journal, Vol. 2, pp.
59-71, 2002.
- Shyy W., Francois M.M., Udaykumar
H.S., N`dri N., Tran-Son-Tay
R., Moving Boundaries in Micro-Scale Biofluid
Dynamics, Applied Mechanics Reviews, ASME, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp.
405-453, 2001.
Conference Papers
- Francois M.M., Lowrie R.B., Dendy E.D., A
material interface transition algorithm for multiphase flow, Proceedings of the FEDSM 08, ASME
Fluids Engineering Division, Jacksonville, Florida, August 10-14,
- Kothe D.B., Francois M.M., Liu P.L.-F., High-Fidelity
Modeling of Interfacial Flows. Progress and Challenges, Proceedings of
the 3rd International Workshop on Applied Offshore
Hydrodynamics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 17-19, 2007.
- Francois M.M., Dendy E.D., Lowrie R.B., Livescu D., Steinkamp M.J.,
Effects of different numerical interface methods on hydrodynamics
instability, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop
on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing (IWPCTM10), Ed. M. Legrand and M. Vandenboomgaerde,
pp. 77-80, 2007.
- Fung J., Francois M.M., Dendy
E.D., Kenamond M., Lowrie
R., Calculations of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability:
RAGE and FLAG hydrocode comparisons, Proceedings
of the Nuclear Explosives Code Developers Conference (NECDC), Los
Alamos, 2006.
- Francois M.M., Sicilian J.M., Kothe D.B., Modeling of thermo-capillary forces within
a volume tracking algorithm, Proceedings of the MCWASP Conference on
Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes, pp.
935-342, 2006.
- Francois M.M., Kothe D.B., Cummins S.J., Modeling Surface Tension
using a Ghost Fluid Technique within a Volume of Fluid Formulation, Proceedings
of the 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics (ICTAM04), Warsaw, Poland, August 15-21, 2004.
- Francois M.M., Kothe D.B., Dendy E.,
Sicilian J., Williams M., Balanced force implementation of the Continuum
Surface Force method into a Pressure Correction Algorithm, Proceedings
of the FEDSM03, 4th ASME-JSME Joint Fluids Engineering
Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 6-11, 2003.
- Lorstad D., Francois M.M., Shyy
W., Fuchs L., Volume of fluid and immersed boundary investigations of a
single rising droplet, AIAA Paper 2003-1282, 41st AIAA
Aerospace Sciences Meetings and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 2003.
- Francois M.M., Shyy W., Numerical simulation of droplet dynamics with
heat transfer, Proceedings of the 12th International Heat
Transfer Conference, Grenoble, France, Ed.
J. Taine, Elsevier, pp. 401-406, August 2002.
- Francois M.M., Shyy W., Direct simulations of impact dynamics and
heat transfer of a liquid drop, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress
on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-V), Vienna, Austria, Eds. H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammerstorfer, J.
Eberhardsteiner, July 2002.
- Francois M.M., Shyy W., Chung J., A micro-scale membrane actuated
condenser/evaporator for enhanced thermal management, Proceedings of
the ASME Heat Transfer Division, HTD-Vol.
366-2, pp. 353-359, November 2000.
- Shyy W., Francois M.M., Udaykumar
H.S., Cartesian and curvilinear grid methods for multi-domain, moving
boundary problems, Proceedings of the 13th International
Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Lyon, France, October 2000.
- Shyy W., Francois M.M., Chung J.N., Thermal
Management Device, U.S.
Patent No. 6,598,409, 2003.
Research Highlights (LALP-07-041, June 2007)
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November 2008 ---