CLEAR model
CLEAR model
The CLEAR (CLimate-Energy Assessment for Resiliency) model is a model for studying interdependencies of energy development, resource requirements and impacts, and climate impacts. These interdependencies result from complex processes that involve water, energy, climate, social pressure, economics, regulations, and technical advances.
The CLEAR model enables assessment of these and other components with specific analysis of their coupling and feedbacks because, due to the complex nature of the problem, the interrelated sectors cannot be studied independently.
Because the backbone of the CLEAR model is a general system dynamics platform, it is highly versatile, with potential application to many different energy development and utilization assessments.
Currently, the CLEAR model is being developed and applied for two different problems.
In one study, the CLEARCO2 model application focuses on CO2 emission assessments for alternative energy use and development policies, with a focus on Sonoma County, CA. This study evaluates environmental and economic ramifications associated with a shift toward renewable energy resource utilization as well as social changes in transportation modes.
The second CLEARuff model project focuses on unconventional fossil fuel (UFF) development, with emphasis on oil shale in Colorado. The CLEARuff model is being applied to assess the carbon footprint and water requirements, production, and impacts associated with shale oil production in the context of multiple variables that include water storage and withdrawal requirements, surface and groundwater flows and quality, climate change, new power supply in a sparsely populated region, produced water treatment and re-use, land use changes, population increase (and associated water and power requirements), carbon dioxide (CO2) production from fuel development and power supply, carbon sequestration, and financial impacts.
The CLEAR model interface, which can be exported as a web applet, helps analysts, stakeholders, and policymakers to understand options for implementation of technologies and to avoid unintended consequences.
For more information email Donatella Pasqualini at
CLEARCO2 model interface; users can choose different energy and transportation policies in the main view (left figure), run the chosen scenario and look at the simulation in real time (right figure); the main view also allows to compare different scenarios.