Next: The Instantaneous Fields
Up: Nonhydrostatic Effects in Long
Previous: Introduction
(0)2. 0
We assume an infinitely deep, or equivalently a dynamically passive,
hydrostatic lower layer. This assumption leads to the relations,
where B is the undisturbed depth of the upper layer, b is the depth
of the thermocline, and h is the height of the free surface,
using the undisturbed free surface as the reference level, h=0.
is the
ratio of the density of the upper layer to that of the lower layer;
we assume it to be 0.997, implying a density difference of 0.3%
across the thermocline.
It is clear from the above relations that most of the variation
in the surface layer depth is accounted for by the movement of the themocline b since it is more
heavily weighted than h.
The equations governing the evolution of the double gyre system in the
classic ( layer) SW approximation are
where is the thickness of the surface layer,
is the vertically averaged horizontal velocity vector, and
is reduced gravity. The term
is the usual Coriolis acceleration
due to the vertical component of the Earth's rotation (f) and
is a zonally uniform steady wind stress,
described in more detail later.
Here is supposed to represent the enhanced
diffusivity due to eddy processes and is Rayleigh
friction which models momentum losses at the interface. These two terms
are parametrizations of sub-grid scale processes.
At the Green-Naghdi level (system 2), the following singular perturbation
are added on the right-hand-side of the momentum equation, with
b related to the layer depth according to (
Finally, other additional terms appear on the right-hand-side of
the momentum equation in system 3 that account for the vertically-integrated
effects of the leading order horizontal rotation terms. These terms are
where is the (horizontal) component of
earth's rotation in the direction ,and u is the horizontal velocity component in the direction.
Details of the derivations of the additional terms shown in equations
) and (
) are given in Appendix A.
The numerical model we use is based on a forward-in-time
(2 time level) semi-Lagrangian discretization of the above equations
that is second-order accurate in both space and time.
Gravity waves are treated implicitly and the resulting
elliptic equations are formulated in terms of the horizontal
velocity . The method of conjugate residuals is used to solve these
elliptic equations [14].We impose no-slip boundary conditions on all four lateral
boundaries of the basin.
Details of the numerical scheme are given in Appendix B.
All the computations were carried out on the Connection Machine CM-5
using either 32 or 64 nodes.
The timestep is limited to ensure that there is no crossing of the Lagrangian
trajectories. This is the only
limitation required to guarantee the stability of the
computations. Thus, we are free to choose any value of and unlike some other numerical formulations.
Mass is conserved in the computations during the course of
110 years to better than 0.3% and so the lack of conservation in
the semi-Lagrangian formulation is not important.
Next: The Instantaneous Fields
Up: Nonhydrostatic Effects in Long
Previous: Introduction
Balasubramany (Balu) Nadiga